Tuesday 5 April 2011


La La La Lu Lu Lu Li Li Li. Ok. Lately, bukan lately laa. Sejak hidup for 19 years and maybe more (Alhamdullillah..nyanyi lagu Maher Zain sat :P) , there are things that i HATE. I say it again. Things that I HATE especially when people say or do something. Tak paham? I'll give you situations then. So, some of you akan agree with me, and yg lain maybe tak. Mungkin sbb terasa. HAHA. Kidding. 

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So, let's start our 5 out of 5
I HATE when people say..........

( beri perhatian dekat highlighted lines. Thank you. :D)

Situation 1
Me :  *sdg siram pokok kesayangan mummy*
Uncle A : Tgh siram pokok keeeeee?
Me : Siram dinasour la pakcikkkk.

ok. This situation selalu berlaku. Dah terang lagi nyata lagi benar org tgh siram pokok. Awat gi tnya lagi? Yeah, i know dia nk tegur. But, ada bnyk lagi soalan lain? Mcm "Letak ke baja?" or "Da lama dah siram menyiram?" Baru la merangsang skit otak nk jawab. :D

Situation 2
Me : Boleh pinjam pencil?
Friend A : Nak buat apa?
Me : I want to writeeeeeee laaa!

Asal nk pinjam sesuatu menda, mesti nk tnya untuk apa? Xkan la org nk pinjam pencil sbb nk buat gulai lemak kot. I know la you sayang sgt sgt barang yg nk di pinjam tuuu. :D

Situation 3 
Friend B : Can i ask you something?
Me : sure. What?
Friend B : Janji jangan marah tau. Janji dulu
Me : Aaaaaa.
Friend : alaa, xpe laa. change my mind. Nnt marah pulaa bila tnya.

Ayoyo, klu dah sruh janji jgn marah. mmg confirm. MMG CONFIRM menda tu buatkan org marah. Tp sbbkan teringin bebenor nk SGT tahu apa menda tu. Kita pun janjilah kan. Bila dah tau, mmg ternganga la xleh marah. Janji punya pasal. :D

Situation 4
Me : My cat so bigggg
Friend A : Really? My cat is bigger than yours. I thought Simon is lion
Me : My counsin got 6As for his result
Friend A : Really? My cousin got 32 As.
Me : OU is the best.
Friend A : No laahhh, Giant is superbb!

Haihh. -.-" This is people yg rasa dialah org terbaik kat dunia. Ckp skit je mesti nk lawan. N mesti nk hebat. Bagi la chance org nk proud about something. Kann?

Situation 5.
Everyone : Puteri ni cantik laa!

i hate it sbb dorg ni jujur sgt laaaa. HAHA. WHATEVER! :p

In a nutshell, sorry kepada yg terasa. Maybe kita bu dlm xsedar. N maybe i pun buat dan itu semestinya dlm xsedar. So, Which situation that you agree the most ? ;)

P/s Can't wait for my date this 10th April. Teehee :D

Sunday 20 March 2011

Korean Wave? ;)

Super junior. T-ara. Miss A. Girls Generation. 2pm. TVXQ.
Do you like them?

Full House. Dream High. Boys Over Flower. Winter Sonata.
Do you enjoy the dramas?

Haha. So, I know yg lelaki mesti ckp "Tak habis2 btul la ngan korea ni". Yang perempuan pula mest " oh my, oh my, handsomenya, cutenya. ngaum ngaum". (agak terlebih itu perempuan :P)
Korean wave has hit Malaysia like crazy. Even radio pun da psng  sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. First thing yg I know about guys bila ckp pasal korea mesti mcm ni.

Abu : Lelaki korea semua gay. Geli gila la aku. 
Aminah : Alaaa, Adam Lambert tu gay kau sanjung2 juga dia? (Boo Abu)

Muthu : Dorng tu bukan cantik betul. Buat plastic surgery lagi.
Rai : Aneeyyy, even Malaysian artist cucuk sana sini. Klu cantik xpe, klu muka mcm kejang semcm?

Jason : I like them. They're cute, handsome. Do you want to see my korean album?
Mary : Ewwwww,, GAY! ( pulaa?)

Haha. Ini fight or perang mulut yg biasa dngr laa. Klu buat debat ala parlimen mcm kat skola mau seminggu xabis. Org nk ambil result spm siap msuk Uni pun xhabis2 lagi dorg. Hebat. Hebat. Tepuk2 semangat skit 
( Amir ajar :P) haha.

So, we start our 5 out of 5.
What I like about Korean Artist and Dramas?

1. Well, as a girl, of course I like them ( the boys :p) cause they're just like our dream boys gitu laa. Yg tinggi, yg SEPET, yg sedap mata memandang laa. Bukan nk ckp M'sia xde dream boy. Adaaaaa. Tp ontah lah :P
2. Lagu dorg cool plus enjoyable laa. Plus ada dance moves untuk every song. Smbil dngr kita nari. Smbil nari kita exercise. :p For example, bila dngr lagu "Nobody". Mesti nk ke kiri ke kanan. Aite? ( ke aku sorg je? -.-")
3. They got the best games show. Their jokes mcm acceptable. Klu dibandingkan dgn Raja *****, gelak mcm xgelak. Well, laughter is the best medicine. So, I prefer korean games show.
4. Drama? Sebagai kaki drama, dua2 best actually. M'sian and Korean. Tp sbb hero punya pasal.
M'sia punya actor asyik ulang2. Klu tak Rosyam Nor,  mesti Farid Kamil, xpun Remy Ishak. Bosan la mcm ni. :D
5. Their dramas have the best story lines laa. Klu part2 romantic, smpi leh tersengih sorg. Klu part2 kelakar, smpi leh gelak tergolek. Klu part sedih, boleh banjirkan rumah. Even lelaki sekarang da mula tngk, TAK SALAH. TAK SALAH. haha :D

In a nutshell, if you like korean artist, just go with it. If you like american artist, just go with it also. Lain org, lain citarasa. Klu suka dangdut pun, xsalah. Suka laa. :P As long as we support our entertaiment industry, that should be good enough. Aite?

P/s : You MUST watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. Awesome. Good Job KRU. ;)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Why Facebook? Why?

Hey. Bye. :) Itu saja untuk hari ini. 

Facebook so slow la lately ni. Right? As in, SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWW.
Why Facebook? Why? Banyak alasan or reason yg dibagi.

Kak Limah : Alaaa, FB ni lmbat sbb gempa kat jepun tu. Dia kasi effect skit2. 
Me : Maybe. Kak Limah reason punya saya leh terima laa.

Pak Seman : Mungkin satelit ni dah lari kot. Haritu ada kat utara,skang kat selantan.
Me : Apakah? Pak Seman duduk mana dowh smpi leh tau? -.-"

Jason : Well, I think Fb will be closed down. Slowly and slowly and then poof. Gone beb!
Me : haha. What the ........? Boo to Mark laaa! I'm going to make my own FB ;D

wahhh! So many reasons. Tak terkira. But, one thing I'm pretty sure that Facebook wants to show us that "Patience is a Virtue". haha.
So, this week kira minggu menyumpah2 Facebook. Tp korg still guna gak 24/7 lepas dah sumpah2? dgn penuh kesabaran lagi keikhlasan menunggu Fb yg lmbt ni. Nasib FB xjadi sesumpah. :D

So, we start our 5 out of 5 now.
What I like about Facebook?
1. FB Boleh main game. Yg ini mak2, kakak2, plus abg2 kat luar mmg suka. Once in a life time nk jadi millionaire kan? Main la smpi mata tu golaappp.
2. FB boleh like status. Tp agak pantang bila org like status dia sendiri. Desperate ka? Boring ka?
3. FB boleh tngk future kita. You just ask anything and FB got the answers. I'm talking about the quizes. For exanple, How many children will you get? Who is your lover? Soalan2 begini mmg ramai suka. :P
4. FB boleh buat meeting. Xyah la nk kumpul2 org duk satu bilik. Xyah la buang air liuq cakap. Just type it. :D
5. FB connects people. We can meet our old friends yg dah berjanggut xjumpa. How good is that?

In a nutshell, people cannnot live without FB. We need FB. I need FB. 
Till then.

p/s Let's pray for Japan. Peace <3